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Four Types of Restaurant Kitchen Solution
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Four Types of Restaurant Kitchen Solution

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Hot Pot Restaurant Kitchen Solution

In hot pot restaurants and chain restaurants, the food arrives on time is important. You need to ensure the fast delivery of food and the high quality of taste at the same time. In the hot pot kitchen, the chef needs to deal with a lot of meat and vegetable. Therefore, the automatic food cutting machine is a great helper. Food processing machines not only save labor, but also cope with a busy kitchen. In addition, the hot pot restaurant kitchen must have a good ventilation. The smoke exhaust hood with purification system is important.

hot pot kitchen

exhaust hood system

Factory and School Canteen Kitchen Solution

The school canteen has the characteristics of a stable and large number of diners. For the better management of the canteen, the large pot meal needs to avoid. The kitchen should provide a variety of dishes for the students to choose. The general types have open style, self-selection, a la carte and fast food. Food warmer and bain marie is the necessary equipment for canteen kitchen. In addition, a large warehouse is requiring to store the foods and stabilize the price of market fluctuations at the same time.

factory kitchen

staff canteen

Hotel Restaurant Kitchen Solution

Hotel kitchen usually takes up 20% of the space of the entire restaurant area. Because in addition to the chef, there will be other staff in and out of the hotel kitchen. You should consider the flexibility of chefs and staffs when design the kitchen layout. What's more, hotel kitchens generally have multiple chefs working at the same time. It is important to keep a good ventilation in the kitchen. It can create a good working environment and avoid mistakes.

hotel kitchen

Theme Restaurant Kitchen Solution

The theme restaurant kitchen divides into 8 working areas. First, the washing and cutting area for food process of meat and vegetable. Second, the pastry room for desserts and steamed food. The fine dish garnish area for specialty of the house and appetizers. The reach in cold room and dry warehouse for food storage. Finally, the dishwasher area for tableware and the main kitchen for cooking food.

commercial kitchen layout

theme restaurant

BMH (Guangdong) Kitchen Equipment Co., Limited.

One Stop Solution of

Restaurant Equipment and Supplies



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