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Cyclone Potato Tower Cutting Machine
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Cyclone Potato Tower Cutting Machine

This a machine which is use to potato cutting. Both manual and electric we sold. If you want to start a bussiness, this is a good helper for you. Also, if you want it serve your home is allow.
  • BMH-2024

  • BMH

Potato tarts are made from whole potatoes, cut into spiral slices using a special machine. After processing, it is then put on bamboo skewers and stretched to form a tower shape. A snack that is then fried and sold. Because of its cute and beautiful appearance, it is popular in teenagers. After the potato tarts fried and shaped, they can sprinkle with various seasoning. Such as cumin according to your favorite taste. As we all know, the raw material of potato tower is potatoes. Potatoes are popular in many countries in the world. Thus, the foods derived from them are also very popular. Such as mashed potatoes, potato chips, potato tarts, etc. The production cost of potato tower is low, the price is high. So, the profit is high. It is a good choice for every entrepreneur.


Detial Show



1. The blade on the machine is sharp, please use it with car;

2It should be kept out of reach of children, otherwise it may cause an accident;

 Please clean the blade as soon as possible after use, otherwise the blade will be blocked;

4. It is strictly forbidden to bring the handle or other parts of the body close to the blade when the machine is running meeaning.

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  +86 020-3423-4200 / 138-2224-8161
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  No. 3819, Yingbin Road, Panyu District,                      Guangzhou,China


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