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Coke Dispenser 3-Flavor
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Coke Dispenser 3-Flavor

The coke fountain machine is a necessary equipment for fried chicken restaurant and cafeterias. It is simple to operate, but the benefits is amazing. ​Start your business with this amazing coke freestyle dispensers. You will be amazed at the increased profits brought about by its high displacement!

This coke dispenser is small and place on the counter. It can provide frozen beverage with three different flavors. The body of this machine is stainless steel which is not easy to deform and get rust. The sanitary push lever is also stainless steel for long service life. The left and right side and in front of the unit, it provides advertising positions. Therefore, you can stick your logo and your products on the surface of the machine. The cups support tank is also stainless steel and it is easy to take off for cleaning. The compressor is efficient, it takes only 10 to 12 minutes to complete the cooling of the cola. The output of this machine is very high, each time can provide up to 120 cups of coca cola.

Coke Dispenser 3-Flavor

Product Specification


218 series coke dispenser with 3 flavor

Unit size


Temp. range


Net weight


Rated power



120 cups/h

pepsi spire coke vending machine with 3 valve specification

Product Properties

1. The whole body is durable stainless steel

2. Countertop design with simple installation

3. It provides three position to display advertising

4. The compressor is fast cooling with low noise

5. The discharge of ice coke is between 1 to 3 °C

5. Provides different flavors of carbonated drinks

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Contact us

BMH (Guangdong) Kitchen Equipment Co., Limited.

One Stop Solution of

Restaurant Equipment and Supplies



  +86 020-3423-4200 / 138-2224-8161
  info@kitchenware-equipments.com
  No. 3819, Yingbin Road, Panyu District,                      Guangzhou,China


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